Keeping eyes on your equipment 24/7/365 is a great idea - but how do you do it?

The Importance of Your Equipment

In today's industrial environments, implementing monitoring and diagnostics in your equipment is one of the most challenging tasks you can take on. Every machine will be unique, the infrastructure cost to deploy monitoring will be expensive, and there's no guarantee you'll be able to catch everything - if you knew what problems you needed to look for, they wouldn't be problems! What's more, keeping that knowledge of what issues to look for can be hard - especially as your senior workers age out and are replaced by new ones, your people may have to learn the same lessons all over again!

But it doesn't have to be like that.

Your Engineers are Only Human

Your operators and engineers are the backbone of your operation. They're on the floor, making sure your machines are running, your facility is on-time and that your customers get what they need and are paying you for. An experienced engineer, that knows your equipment and knows your process, is worth their weight in gold. But despite their expertise, industrial environments are just challenging to work and have full control over. Here are some real issues we've seen in production applications:

  1. Your best engineers can't be everywhere: Even the most hard-working engineers have to have downtime. They won't be able to monitor every piece of equipment, and every system, in real-time - there will be periods of time where their attention is devoted to one specific system. This gap can lead to unnoticed anomalies, unplanned downtimes, costly repairs, and even catastrophic failures.
  2. Mistakes can happen anywhere: Industrial equipment can be complex, and have a lot of different failure modes. Sometimes you can have a system that is simple and easy to predict - but ask anyone that works in maintenance, and they'll surprise you with the number of ways even simple equipment can go wrong when running in the real world. The simple reality is failures and issues can come from almost any system, anywhere.
  3. Your best engineers will leave, eventually: Your best engineers will be able to find and fix issues quickly. They might have a particular way of thinking, they might have decades of experience, or they might just be capable of outright magic. But eventually, they're going to move up, they're going to move out, or they're going to retire. When that happens, you won't just have to train new people to replace them - they might be taking decades of operational knowledge and understanding around what issues to look for and how to avoid them.

Facing all of this, it might sound like implementing monitoring to the point of solving all of these issues would be a herculean task. And normally, with most machine monitoring software, you'd be right. Most software packages won't come batteries-included. They won't solve your infrastructure challenges around getting monitoring to your equipment. They won't be focused on providing 24/7/365 availability of data.

That's where we're different.

OTAware: "Digital Eyes" Monitoring Your Equipment 24/7/265

To address these challenges, Sentinel Devices has developed OTAware, a revolutionary offline-by-default cloud-connected solution for PLC data monitoring. OTAware enhances the resilience and security of your facilities by ensuring vigilant, round-the-clock surveillance of your equipment without the vulnerabilities associated with always-online systems.

The Problem with Always-Online Systems

Traditional monitoring solutions rely on continuous internet connections, exposing your infrastructure to various risks:

OTAware's Offline-by-Default Approach

OTAware addresses these issues by adopting an offline-by-default methodology, which brings several key benefits:

  1. Continuous Monitoring: OTAware provides uninterrupted monitoring of PLC data, ensuring that no event or anomaly goes unnoticed. Our "digital eyes" offer persistent surveillance, tirelessly watching over your equipment.
  2. Offline Security: By defaulting to offline mode, OTAware ensures your data remains secure from external threats. This air-gapped system acts as a robust barrier against cyber-attacks, safeguarding your infrastructure from potential breaches.
  3. Proactive Alerts: Advanced algorithms and machine learning capabilities analyze data in real-time, identifying patterns and anomalies. These insights enable proactive alerts, allowing your team to address issues before they escalate, minimizing downtime and maintenance costs.
  4. Comprehensive Data Analysis: OTAware doesn't just collect data; it interprets it. By providing in-depth analysis and actionable insights, we empower your personnel to make informed decisions that optimize performance and enhance facility resilience.

The OTAware Advantage: Elevating Facility Resilience

Our offline-by-default PLC monitoring system offers unparalleled advantages that directly contribute to the resilience and efficiency of your operations:

Why Choose OTAware?

Sentinel Devices' commitment to enhancing critical infrastructure resilience is reflected in OTAware's innovative features:

Join the Future of Facility Resilience with OTAware

In an era where the resilience of critical infrastructure is paramount, OTAware stands as a beacon of innovation and reliability. Empower your team with "digital eyes" that never tire and elevate the resilience of your operations to new heights. Discover the future of facility monitoring with OTAware and experience the peace of mind that comes from knowing your critical infrastructure is always in capable hands.

Contact us today to learn more about how OTAware can transform your facility's resilience and operational efficiency. Protect your operations, safeguard your data, and ensure the continuity of essential services with OTAware.

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